Censored Cosmetics

Welcome to our Censored Blog! 💄

This is our go-to place for all the topics that matter to our community, ranging from period frustrations and vibrator recommendations, to heavier topics like the repealing of abortion rights and increasing violence against women. We want to build a space where we can talk about all the topics on our mind and yours, while having a bit of fun. Each month, we’ll release our latest blog post on topical subjects, opening up a conversation in the comments for everyone to have their voices heard so type away and let us know your thoughts! Together, we might just make a change.


Blog Guidelines 😎


It’s important for us that this is an inclusive, friendly space to share our thoughts and opinions so please be considerate and don’t write anything directed to someone that you wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of.


We’re angry too so swear away! But no bullying, name-calling, or threats. Usernames can be personalised to anonymise you if you so choose but if you’d like your name up there in big capitals, also feel free! Bear in mind this is a public forum so sharing personal, identifiable details brings with it its own risks and we encourage everyone to be cautious. All comments will be monitored by our moderator but if you feel anything is unsavoury, please notify us at admin@censoredcosmetics.com.


Three women wearing censored cosmetics lipsticks and hugging each other lookin at the camera.

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